Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Candy Test Tube Holder...

A few weeks back, I went on a road trip to St. Cloud to have lunch with my aunt and uncle and I made a pit stop at Micheal's and Crafts Direct. I had not been to Crafts Direct new location, so it was a huge treat. I just wish I would have had more time and tons of money. I know, I will keep dreaming. When I was at Micheal's my nephew, Riley saw some test tubes and he told me to buy them. I had no idea what to do with them, but I went ahead and got them. Well, funny story after that I noticed many other crafter's also purchased these and made cute candy holders out of them. I borrowed the pattern of the test tube holder from Lisa Somerville. These were fun to make.

Thanks for looking today and have a great Tuesday.


Lisa Somerville said...

Glad you like my pattern! You version of the project is cute!

laurie said...

These are awesome!